Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Boo's Party - HELP!

Our computer is sick. It seems to be happening a lot, stupid viruses.
We are gearing up for Boo's slumber party this weekend, she is a little excited. Okay she is freak-out excited. She has wanted to have one since Kindergarten, and the mean mom that I am, I made her wait til now. We weren't even going to have a "friend" party this year, but I am such a sucker.
So here is another question! What activites do you do with seven 7-8 year olds? I have a craft, but is that lame? I am making cupcakes on Friday and letting them each decorate them how they want, that should kill some time (ha!). I have the Wii, movies and an abundance of dress up clothes.
Do I need games? Please don't tell me I need games...
Give me your thoughts!


nicole said...

Check with the parents first, and maybe let them play with some kid makeup, along with dressup. My girls love that (one is 7, one is 8!). Really, a bunch of girls together with the novelty of a sleepover will probably figure things out on their own. Keep lots of paper/markers/stickers around for the games they will make up themselves. Sounds like you have all you need otherwise. Assuming you have some adult beverage for yourself for recovery when they all go home. ;)

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

paint nails? at target they have this 60-second nail polish that really dries is 60 seconds - its all i let my girls use! and you can get little nail stickers and stuff.

we did ice cream sundaes (like the idea you have) and a movie with popcorn...

do you have hullabalo? its like cranium for kids. my girls love it and play it forever.

LutherLiz said...

friendship bracelets with embroidery floss?

Megan said...

I agree with Nicole and Melissa - do makeup and nails. At the very least, let them do each other's nails. So fun!

Staci A said...

I'm sure it'll be fine! Maybe have a good movie for them to watch and board games to play?

Good luck!

Tiffany said...

Definitely paint nails, do their hair. Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff planned - they are going to love it! I don't think you need games. Lovely blog! {grin}

Becca @ My Crazy Good Life said...

I think with the wii and the craft, you'll be ok - I lke everyone else's ideas about the nail polish. I am saying this because I always over-plan and we never get to it all. Buy some polish just in case, but I think you'll be fine :-)

darcie said...

I think you'll be surprised at how quickly the time flies by and the girls entertain themselves!
I saw some decorate your own pillow cases at Michael's on clearance recently that I thought would be super fun for such an occassion -
Good Luck!
it's going to be GREAT!