Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I Learned this Week

I am a day behind on this, but still wanted to link up with Musings of a Housewife's What I Learned This Week party. So, let's begin shall we!

- Know what's worse than a sleep walking Boo...a SASSY ATTITUDE filled sleep walking Boo. I laughed, because it is sort of funny.

- Trying to clean your house, while you husband is framing in your bathroom, the kids are "helping" and the dog is running around like a crazy person doesn't really work.

- The grocery store is REALLY quiet at 1 am on a Saturday.

- If you beg enough, you just might get your name "drawn" for your child's field trip. Just maybe.

- Having the chance to see the play you were in as a child WITH your child, will make you bed, plead and borrow. Just saying...

- A total of 40+ leaf bags is what it took to clean our yard.

- It is not fun having to explain your self over and over and over again.

That's it, it wasn't that big of a week.

Head on over to Musings of a Housewife for more What I Learned This Week posts.

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