Monday, November 09, 2009

What I Learned this Week

Here we are once again, time for another week of What I Learned this Week. I love doing this, it makes me think about what actually goes on in my life, what I know and what I am seeing along the way.

This week was an emotional one, and it was OH SO filled with life lessons and realizations.

- Sitting down to write out all of Hunter's needs is hard, but thankfully I had two WONDERFUL Twitter friends giving me the best advise (Kim and Erin).

We had the first of three meetings regard Hunter's possible qualification for an IEP, and I was overwhelmed with the need to be very prepared for this one. We would talk about what his problem areas are, and what we wanted them to especially take notice of. It was a hard meeting to sit through, but I had great help preparing. Plus, I only cried once! Score!!

- Spending 2.5 hours in the car with Lia is wonderful every time. Especially when I burn a cd of 90's songs and we bust a move. It was great, my sides hurt from laughing so much. And it carries on, since we keep having a conversation on Twitter in just lyrics...yes we are 12 at times.

- Finding out that Freebies 4 Mom has a freebie for 50 free photo cards was the find of the YEAR! Head over here, I am not even kidding. GO! Christmas cards people! Christmas cards!! I just ordered mine, again with the help of Twitter. They are fabulous!

- I learned this week about "freezer cooking" and am digging to learn more. Cook a ton one day and have food ready to go...I am all for it!

- There is nothing wrong with using layaway when money is tight. I am not ashamed to admit it.

- Shopping for a new baby in the family is the BEST THING EVER. So much fun.

- Doing something good for someone, even if they don't know it at the time is wonderful. Thanks Lia for coming with!

- I saved $50.78 on a $82.60 bill at the grocery store this past week. I did a little dance, I am not ashamed of it.

- I say "Stalking is a crime" to much...Boo is now repeating it. I asked her if she knew what stalking was...she said "A crime wearing white shoes after Labor Day.". more Legally Blonde the musical is seems...

- On a bye-week the Vikings can gain ground when the Bears AND the Packers loose. It is wonderful. Hopefully they won't break my heart again...

- You can teach a 2 year old to say almost anything, and it will bring tears of laughter to yours eyes. Gotta love an Aunts role!

I am laughing so hard now, thinking about my nephew saying stuff I can't even write anymore.

Head on over to Musings of a Housewife for more What I Learned this Week posts.


Erin said...

I am so glad that the meeting was not as overwhelming as you thought it might be. And don't stress about the tears... it happens more often than not that parents cry in those meetings. I would, too!

Megan (mommyesquire) said...

Oh my goodness! Boo's stalking is a crime and wearing white after labor day quote cracks me up! So funny!

The Mommy said...

I'm going right over to FreebiesForMoms!

Unknown said...

Great lessons.

Glad the meeting went well.

Alison said...

I'm glad the meeting went well and you only cried once.

White shoes after Labor Day as a!

Thanks for the link to the free cards! I will try to get some good pictures this weekend so I can use the link before the offer expires on the 30th.

Terra said...

2 year olds will also repeat just about anything they hear...AHHHHH