Monday, August 31, 2009

So behind, but not a bad thing

I am about a week behind on EVERYTHING.

Boo's where near ready to prime this weekend.

Yard work, getting there but not ready for the party next month.

General house stuff, sliding quickly away from me.

I haven't watched TV for real in almost a week, which would be a fabulous thing if other things were getting done.

They aren't.

But, I am...

Playing outside.

Taking the kids to the library.

Laying around with Hubby.

Spending the day with Big Sis on her birthday.

Spending some much needed time with my bud Lia.

Taking pictures of my kids with a Photographer friend, to expand her book and to get pictures of the kids "in summer".

Chasing Koda around the yard, and snuggling up with him whenever Hubby leaves for work.

So not a total loss, and very much worth it.

Just wish the other stuff would go away...or take care of itself!

1 comment:

Megan (mommyesquire) said...

Sometimes everything else can wait while we spend time with our husbands and our kids. That's what's truly important!