Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I Learned This Week

This week I learned that a little laughter can make anything better, no matter what.

I learned that I can be the bigger person again and again, even when it comes back to bite me in the ...well you know.

I learned that being the bigger person does not mean being someone other than yourself.

I learned that my Hubby can still make me laugh just by being himself. I love that man.

I learned that no matter what Boo says, she is not the first person to ride Dancer, her grandpa was. He looks darn good on that horse too (like riding a bike hunh Dad).

I re-learned that I do not do well with gloomy weather. We are on day two, and it isn't going to end any time soon.

I learned that I do need to put myself first sometimes. It isn't easy, but I can do it.

For more What I Learned This Week posts, head on over to Musings of a Housewife.


Wendy said...

But I don't wanna be the bigger person! Hmph.

Tassi said...

Hope the sunshine comes out for you soon!

Have a great day.

Unknown said...

You have learned some great lessons this week - love the last one.

Musings of a Housewife said...

good lessons! good luck with the gloomy weather. it does a number on me too. :-(

Anonymous said...

"I learned that being the bigger person does not mean being someone other than yourself."

I loved the above lesson! I needed to read something like that today!

Alison said...

Yes, laughter does make everything better. It's easier to feel happy when the sun's shining, though--hope the weather gets better for you.