Saturday, February 28, 2009


Last year, I bloggy-met Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry. I met her, because Megan told me to head over and show some love.

Beth had just lost her twin boys, James and Jake. Her grief was something that we all felt, and we all circled around to help in any way we can.

Now, one year later we are all better people for knowing Beth, and for knowing James and Jake. We have watched Beth go through her grieving process, and lending an ear or a prayer each and every day.

Each of us has learned something about ourselves, from knowing Beth. I love my family more, hug my kids a bit tighter and cherish each moment, no matter how crazy it may be.

Right now, Beth's friend Thea is holding a contest of sorts. For every comment left, Thea will donate $1 to Beth's March of Dimes March for Babies campaign (up to $250). Not only that, but every comment is entered in to win a $50 gift card.

This is going on until tomorrow night, March 1, at 8 pm.

Go there.


Please, for Beth, for James, for Jake, for the entire Folding Laundry family. They are an amazing group of people who have taught us all so much.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I know there are a lot of people in the world who see the internet as a bad thing, but when I read stories like this, I feel heartened. Isn't wonderful to think that someone you've never met before is out there praying for you and wishing you nothing but the very best?

There is more to be found on the internet than news and porn. There are friends. :o)