Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So much to do, so little time

Well, the errands I was going to run tonight didn't happen. Snow did instead. After a hour drive to go 10 miles, I decided to stay home instead. My to-do list just got a ton longer.

- Figure out what to do with my hair before my appointment on Friday (dramatic changes people! I can't wait, but I am terrified too).
- Finish shopping...
-Start wrapping (I have three presents done, and a lot more to do).
- Get over this cold. I can't take a sick day this week.
- Back the day away with my sister. So much fun to be had!
- Make grocery list, so that I can majorly shop on Friday morning. We are getting bare here!
- Entertain Boo for 3 days...ugh!
- Clean the bathrooms and bedrooms.
- Do a ton of laundry.
- Start craft for gifts...yeah I said start. I am a bit behind. lol

So much to do in so little time! I know I will get it all done, but it just seems like a lot.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

If Santa ever decides to diversify, he should hire cleaning elves to help us mommies get ready for Christmas.

Do you think he has a suggestion box?