Wednesday, December 17, 2008

(almost) Wordless Wednesday - OMG

Do you remember when Boo did this, how excited she was when I mailed it off for her??

Since then Boo has had a major love for him, and my sister has had a great time encouraging that love, buying random cut-outs of him for Boo. She has the movies, the cd's and the posters. She loves Zac Efron...and now even more.

Yesterday I got home from work, and Hubby told me there was mail for Boo, but he wanted me to look at it first. I saw my handwriting, with a return address from California.

Did the dogs bark in your neighborhood???

I am a bit impressed that something was sent back. The picture even has her name on it. It helped that I enclosed a self addressed envelope, that makes it easier for them.

This picture is now up with the rest of the them. Right next to her cut out, and the posters.

For more (almost) Wordless Wednesday posts check out 5 Minutes for Mom.


Unknown said...

I wish that I could get his posters for my bedroom : ). My husband might get a little annoyed though. Could he be any cuter? No way!

MomOf4 said...

How nice that a picture was sent back. She looks so happy!

Anonymous said...

How cool mom you rock!!!!

Jelly Bean would be jealous!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

How exciting! I myself have never seen the movies but I hear they are a big hit.

Unknown said...

I remember those days. How fun.