Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh yeah...that is why

Things I love about Minnesota:

- The Minnesota State Fair
- The beauty when the snow falls
- Snow days...when they happen
- The wonderful weather in Spring and Fall
- The VIKES!!!
- Having my family (mostly) close by
- Being able to play outside with the kids (almost) all year long
- Snowmobiling
- Cabin time!!

Things I HATE about Minnesota:

- Mosquito's the size of a VW
- Tornado season
- Drivers who forget how to drive when we get one inch of snow
- One hour commutes to to 8 miles (see above)
- A Senate race that JUST WON'T END

The good out weigh the bad...sometime I just need a reminder.


Jody said...

I heard about the senate thing again the other day. Now people are going to hand count the votes? Nice. I read that there were more votes than registered voters. No wonder people don't trust the system anymore. (not that I was surprised when all those Franken votes turned up in cars)

Melody said...

I don't like tornado season either but I am also not a fan of the snow.

I like 70 degrees and sunshine year round...wonder where I can find that?

Amy said...

Michigans the same way with driving in the snow. You'd think everyone was from out of state the way they feak out at the first snow.

I hate tornadoes though - luckily we rarely get hit here.

Stay warm - we've got 15 degrees on ya! It's like spring time copared to you lol! And we have 4" on the ground.

Kelly said...

I have Minneapolis on my list of cities I would like to visit...but only in the summertime because I'm from the south which makes me wimpy and whiny about cold weather.

Our idea of cold is 50 degrees.