Sunday, between checking on Hubby and making dinner, Boo and I watched Camp Rock...again (can we say addicted much). Plus, they had a ton of behind the scene stuff, and that is always cool to see.
She now knows all the songs, and some of the dialogue. She can tell you why she likes one person (Caitlyn) and not another (Tess).
Now, this is one movie that I am completely okay with Boo watching over and over. The message is great, and the story is clean (always important when your 6 year old likes to mimic).
I downloaded the soundtrack from iTunes for her, and added it to the car mp3 player. She can't wait for the DVD to come out (August 19th), and is even offering to pay for half.
During commercials, I would change it over to Picture This, with Ashley Tisdale, because they were having clips from HSM 3. Want to hear a 6 year old squeal? It is hilarious! She even climbed up and wrote the date the movie comes out on the calendar. A little excited I think.
1 year ago
We only caught about half of Camp Rock this weekend. Can you believe we haven't seen it yet?! Proof that the TV really IS on less at our house in the summer! I'm glad to hear it's good! My kids are into "rock" so I thought it would be a good one for them!
I still love watching these movies...even at my advanced age of (ahem) 35. I've seen both of the High School Musicals!
I really miss the old-school Disney movies...the ones with Hayley Mills. Young girls today need good role models. Paris Hilton isn't cutting it!
My kids have asked for that DVD too! Thanks for the heads up as to when it comes out. My girls are older and they appreciated the movie for a different reason. The Brother Jonas.
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