Thursday, February 04, 2010

Nightmares of Fondant dance through my head

This week has gone so fast, and nothing has gotten done. I have a list of things that need to be done before Saturday (the kids birthday party) and it is going no where!

I have however been having nightmares of fondant...

I always make the kids cakes. It is something I started when Hunter was 8 and he loves all the fun ones. You can see the past couple here and here. Boo always spends a couple weeks trying to figure out what her cake is going to be since they are not allowed to see them until it is time to blow out the candles.

I think that is the best part.

This year I am using fondant for the first time ever. I have been e-mailing Melody getting tips and watching video's on YouTube to get some starting tips.

I am freaked out.

Last night I had a nightmare about fondant, that the marshmallows wouldn't melt.

Now that is strange.

Tonight I will be making the fondant, and tomorrow night and Saturday I will be rolling and decorating the cakes.

I am sure it will turn out fine, but man it is all consuming!


Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

wow - i've never even tried fondant!!

good luck!!

Doll Clothes Gal Pal said...

Oh im sure your kids love the surprises! :) Goodluck on your "battle with the fondant"!

Melody said...

It is going to be okay. Deep breaths. :)

I can't wait to see how the cakes turn out. :)

designHER Momma said...

you would be so sad if you saw my kids birthday cakes. "it's the thought that counts" really comes into play over at our house...