Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What I Learned This Week

It's time once again for What I Learned this Week hosted by Musings of a Housewife.

This has been a jam packed weekend, and the week is shaping up to be a rough one. BUT, I learned some really fun stuff this weekend.

- In the 7 years since Boo was born baby products have taken on a whole new life. Watching my cousin open gifts at her baby shower was a learning experience. I won't even tell you how loved that little girl is going to be!!

- Meeting a bunch of bloggers from MN is what I have wanted for so long. The MckBrunch was so much fun (and that post will come later today). I haven't even had time to check out all the other bloggers I met that day.

- Having your kids gone all weekend long will allow time to reconnect with your Hubby. We had two wonderful dinners out, and a couple shopping excursions. I always wonder if we will be those adults who have nothing to talk about after the kids move out, this weekend showed me we won't be. It was nice to not have drama, whining and moods this past weekend.

- Koda is a puppy, and puppy-dom just might kill me. That is a good thing because it is making me work on my patience, but those patience are wearing thin today....and it is only 6:30.

For more What I Learned this Week posts, head on over to Musings of a Housewife.


Kathy C. said...

I know what you mean about wondering what an empty nest will be like. Hubby and I got married when my son was 10, so we never had alone time. After he left home, and I recovered from my empty nest syndrome, we have enjoyed our "honeymoon" stage of life...it's a good thing! :)

Julie said...

The MckBrunch... are you talking about MckMama and her crew? All of y'all live in MN??? Near the Mall of America? I swear I'm making another trip there... ;)

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

glad you enjoyed some time just with your husband!! isn't that a wonderful gift??
i'm determined - when my kids are bigger - to take people's kids and let them have weekends alone. whenever people have done that for us it has been SUCH a blessing!!

jen@odbt said...

Where can I sign up to send my kids away for a weekend? ;) That is awesome for you and your husband.

The Mommy said...

Baby products have changed a lot in the past hree years, too!!

Alison said...

You're so right--I have often wondered what my husband and I will do when our kids are older, and it's nice to know we still enjoy each other's company.

annies home said...

always nice to have that mom and dad time

Megan (mommyesquire) said...

Alone time with the husband is SUCH a treat! Th puppydom will not kill you... I promise!

Unknown said...

Great lessons - alone time sounds wonderful - and lots to look forward to!

I know what you mean about baby products too! I had a 5 year gap between my last 2, and things had changed so much.