Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What I Learned this Week

It is time for What I Learned this Week hosted by Musings of a Housewife.

This week was busy, and the coming week just as much. I learned a lot, which is wonderful. We spent a lot of time at Menards this weekend, where I learned some as well.

- Koda is my alarm clock. Each morning, like clockwork he is up at 5:15. Each day that he is up saves me a battle with my alarm clock. I am still sleepy, but I get up and get him right outside. Talk about a wake-up when it is pouring rain!

- It is possible to fall asleep on the couch after previous mentioned early wake-up call.

- It is also possible to get ready in under 5 minutes when you startle awake after previous two. However, you will forget your ipod, ring, watch and cell phone and be miserable at work the entire day.

- Planting tomatoes is hard work, especially when your 7 year old flings dirt on you accidentally (or on purpose...I haven't decided yet).

- When I leave the TV off I am able to get more things put away, plugging my ipod into the docking station is the best thing ever. We are having people over this weekend...I need to focus on getting things unpacked.

- Boo really is interesting in playing fastpitch next spring. So much so that she keeps asking me to pull it up online so she can watch videos.

- Even with our own laundry room, no need for quarters and the fact that I can throw a load of clothes in at a moments notice...I still hate doing laundry and I do NOT time things well.

- Koda likes to attack the Swiffer. He FREAKS out, barks and follows me around the house.

- Ma and Big Sis are once again my saviors. Due to circumstances our start to summer is slightly screwy. They are helping out BIG TIME, along with my friend Malia.

- Hubby and I had a bet going to see how much Koda weighed at his 12 week appt. Hubby said 23.5 and I said 25.

Guess who won...

ME! 25.4 lbs! (this is totally thrown in for gloating sake.)

For more What I Learned this Week posts head on over to Musings of a Housewife


The Buntens said...

Oh, we have puppy fun going on here, too! They are sweet but lots of work!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Sounds like you are getting settled in. Do your kids like their new home?

Wendy said...

That's going to be one big puppy! Woof.

Terra said...

Laundry SUCKS, planting tomatos rocks though...there is nothing better than fresh tomatos

Shannon (muzbeecrazy.com) said...

What is it with pets and Swiffers? Our cat attacks ours and my sister's dog attacks hers! Glad you are getting settled in!

Megan (mommyesquire) said...

The puppy will learn to sleep later and take its cues from you. And don't feel bad about the laundry - I still have wash in the dryer from Sunday night. How do I know? I went in it to grab clean undies this morning!