Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Today I shredded!

I can not feel my legs.

Or my arms.

Jillian Michaels just kicked my butt.

It was wonderful.

I was hoping to get home in time to do my first day of the 30 Day Shred before Boo got home, but the drive home always seems to take so much longer than the drive there.

So I got home, got my stuff put away and then Boo was home. After some much needed "I missed you" snuggle time, it was dinner time.

So, once Hubby left for work and Boo was down for the count, I put in the DVD.

She scares me.

Every time I told myself I couldn't do it, I had to stop she was there telling me not to stop and to push through it.

So I did.

I really did love it.

Tomorrow I will do it again.

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