Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paula over at Boogers and Burps has given me such a wonderful honor, The Sisterhood Award! Paula is one of my favorite bloggers, and to get this from her is wonderful, especially after this post where I started making the choice each day.

Now I get to pass it on. Here are the rules:

The rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Remember to link the person from whom you received your award.

Here are the recipients of The Sisterhood Award:

Megan at Fried Okra. Megan is a mom of two, and is always able to put a smile on my face, even as she faces baby-not-sleeping exhaustion.

Christine at It's a Schmitty Life can always make a situation better with her lovely twisted humor. I love her stories!

Shannon of Muzebeecrazy is another favorite of mine, and she always is willing to share the ups and downs of life,

Terra of The Emerson Family and Tales from the Nightstand. Even when she gets feet upon feet of snow in the Spring, she keeps the attitude positive,

McMommy of the McMommy Chronicles. She cracks me up, tells her stories with such life. I love it!
I have to include my two hero's...
Kim from Situationally Single Mom and Julie of From Inmates to Playdates. Both these women are dealing with deployment, and even during their down moments they are wonderful shining women. I am so proud to call them my bloggy friends!


Shannon (muzbeecrazy.com) said...

Thank you so much! I am honored to receive this award from you. I leave for Vegas tomorrow. When I get back, I will add it to my blog. I'll have plenty of time on the plane to think of who I will pass it onto. Thanks again!!

Terra said...

oh you are SO sweet, At least I have someone fooled (that was NOT an optimistic day for me!!!)

THANK YOU! I haven't been to a couple of the other blogs you mentioned - off to visit now.

Megan Cobb said...

Thank you so much for this sweet award, Kellyn. You're the BEST! xoxoxx