Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meeting some bloggers

Last Monday I had the wonderful chance to meet (in-person) Melody of Three Boys and a Dog and Paula of Boogers and Burps. We have been bloggy friends, Twitter friends and Facebook friends for sometime now.
When I found out I was going to Iowa for this concert, I knew just who to call! After many e-mails, a time and place was set.
We met for lunch, and like Paula said, our lips were a blur. We talked about kids, work, life and blogging. It was great!
I love when I get the chance to meet bloggers in real life, it is always such a treat. Especially when you have followed them for so long, and know about their virtual lives.
Thank you ladies, for having lunch with me in my short time in Iowa. Hopefully we can do it again!!

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