Friday, February 13, 2009

A picture from long ago

The Queen B tagged me on the meme, and while I have done it before, I couldn't resist doing it again.

You go to your picture files, and go to the 6th folder, and grab the 6th picture.

I had forgotten this one, so it gave me a chance to remember almost three years ago.

Self face paint! At the local children's museum they have a station where the kids can do their own face paint. Boo had a blast! She was 4 years old, and thought painting on herself would never happen!

Now I have to tag 6 people:

Melody - Three Boys and a Dog
Paula - Boogers and Burps
Jo-Lynne - Musings of a Housewife
Shannon - Muzbee Crazy
Kim - Situationally Single Mom
Megan - Fried Okra

I can't wait to see all the pictures!


Queen B said...

I'm thinking that self face paint is the way to go!

Kara said...

Neat picture!!

Shannon ( said...

I love the picture! Thanks for tagging me. I'll go take a look at my folders. Happy Valentines Day.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a place like that,how cute!