Monday, December 08, 2008

Boo's pick (giveaway)

I couldn't wait for tomorrow...just can't.

Every year, my kids have one thing that they REALLY want for Christmas. Last year for Boo it was craft stuff. Anything that had to do with crafts, Boo was happy. She got markers, glitter, paint, stickers, foam letters...the works. She was in hog heaven all day long.

This is Webkinz. She was introduced to these during recital, when Hubby's mom and Aunt each got her a Webkinz to celebrate her recital. She hadn't had one before, and now...she is hooked.

Normally I try not to let the kids get to into fad toys. I can't stand Bratz dolls, don't like the action figures that Hunter never plays with anymore and never ever had a Tickle Me Elmo. But, Webkinz aren't as bad as I first thought. Online Boo is learning to save her Webkinz Cash for a big item, and is learning all kinds of fun math and reading facts in the trivia center.

Boo is allowed to play about 3 times a week, depending on what is going on. We have our routine, take a shower and then you can play on your Webkinz. It works, and she moves on smoothly without a fuss.

If you have never had a Webkinz, take a look at the tour they have on their home page. They also have a parent's area that explain all the safety features they have.

So, in honor of Boo's desire of new Webkinz, I am giving away a Lil'Kinz Lion.

There are a couple ways to enter the contest for this cute little guy. I really want to know what your kids are into this year. What toy have they been begging for?

That's one way. Tweet about this contest and you will get another entry. @FritzFactz, and leave another comment to get the entry.

This giveaway will close at 10 am Friday December 12th. I will e-mail the winner and ship the next available day. If I don't hear from the winner by noon on Saturday I will draw another winner.

Stay tuned for another giveaway on Wednesday!!


Katie/The Family Chef said...

Not sure if this counts as an entry but I will post my "entry" on my blog tonight! :)

Unknown said...

My daughter loves Webkinz and she's really into Nancy Drew, so Nancy Drew books and the game for her Wii (not sure if that ones out yet) top her list this year.

You know what I'm baffled about? My daughter and her friends all loved the Nancy Drew movie and they've played every Nancy Drew PC game that's come out so far. Why didn't toy manufacturers come out with a Nancy Drew doll when the movie was released? It would have been a huge hit with my daughter and her friends.

Unknown said...

I tweeted

valerie2350 said...

bike parts :)

valerie2350 said...

tweet tweet

Melody said...

Well, R wants cash (the universal gift), C wants a DS, and AD wants a Screamin' Banshee.