The past couple weeks I have been thinking a lot about what I want from my blog. Do I want just to write? Do I want to grow my readership? Do I want to review and have communication between companies? Do I want to influence?
There isn't a day that goes by where a blogger isn't talked about, on the news or in the paper. Everyday I hear about bloggers making their way into the world where their opinions count, matter to people.
The past week or so I have been adding to my Twitter following, my Facebook and my blog reader. I want to learn as much as I can, from as many different people as I can.
I have been working my way through Jessica Knows: 15 Days of Marketing. She has tuned me into the value of using Twitter and Facebook as more than chatting with friends. She also has given great tips for giveaways, how to build my blog brand/resume and making my blog more PR friendly. I am behind, but I am catching up! I can't wait to learn more.
Already, I am signed up for One2One Marketing, Mom Select (thanks to Jody!) and am looking for even more opportunities. I am even looking at HARO (Help a Reporter Out). The background on this is amazing, take a look.
I have so much to learn, and have learned so much already. The people that I have met, whether it be by reading their blogs, or finding articles online, have been a major asset to me.
1 year ago
I'm on MomSelect, One2One and a couple others... And I've made some great contacts for giveaways. I've not delved into Facebook or Twitter. Ugh. I'll have to read Jessica Knows.
A friend of mine sent me the info for HARO a while back. I just haven't been able to provide much...
These are great links. I'm going to check them out. I haven't really gotten into a lot of blog things that increase readership but I've noticed that blogging makes me pay closer attention to my life because I'm always thinking about how it will read on the blog.
LOL! Is that good or bad?
Have you looked into Mom Central consulting? It was the first program I joined when I first started blogging, and has been really great. I even won a trip to Jamaica from them :) just started a review program as well.
Do you like reading? is a new book reviewing group.
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