And now, the third and final answers.
anymommy said... This is courtesy of Black Hockey Jesus' excellent post this morning. What were the best and the worst events in your life?
The best, having Boo. Hands down. Looking at her the first time is frozen in my mind. Watching her turn into the little girl she is now is an amazing journey. There are only two things that could come close, and that is meeting Hunter and marrying Hubby.
The worst is harder. There are lots of things that a girl/woman goes through in life. Losing their first love, losing friends and watching the people you care for in pain. At one point in high school, I lost 5 people in 6 months. It was a very rough time. My grandpa, my uncle and a friend were the worst times, all within that time period. Watching my sister come home from her first year at college for our grandpa's funeral was one that was hard.
But I think the worst was when my sister was in a motorcycle accident, and was seriously injured. Watching your big tough sister go through what she did, and see how strong she was was the worst and best thing. She is one strong woman and I am proud of her every day!
Kellan said... I did one of these contests a while back too - it's fun! If you were given only one food to eat for the rest of your life - what would it be - it can be a complete meal - like steak and potatoes.
Let's see...I love pasta, but I think the one thing I could eat for the rest of my life would be crab legs. Not only is it is great source of is just plain yummy!! Now I want crab legs...crap.
Justice Jones said...I'm new to your blog and love contests so I came by right on time! My question: Why did you decide to start this blog?
I actually started blogging on myspace. I soon realized that I wanted more out of it, and wanted to learn. I looked for a hosting service, and found blogger. I love having a place where I have met so many wonderful bloggy friends, and had a chance to express my writing side, no matter how uneven it sometimes can be.
reesethepug said... I'm with justice on this to here and great timing! Have you ever wished that your parents raised you differently?
My parents are great people. I don't think I would change how they raised me. They taught me to be responsible for my actions, responsible for my belongings and to love my family unconditionally.
Thank you for everyone who asked questions. I can't wait to visit more blogs and ask my own!
1 year ago
Oh pooh, I've been away from the computer way too long and missed your give away, but I am enjoying catching up. What a neat idea!!
Great answers! I need to tackle mine!
I'm glad I found your blog when I did, too. I really like your parent's parenting philosophy. I hope my husband and I can be as successful in raising our little one!
I stopped by at just the right time to catch your answers. I really enjoyed them. I don't know if you caught BHJ's post and the responses, but almost every one said that the birth of their children was their best moment. Pretty universal experience.
I completely agree with you on the Myspace blogging. My brother suggested I do that first but it really wasn't what I wanted.
I love having a "real" blog so much more.
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