Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am so excited that Boo is a reader, and can spell really well. She has gotten really good at sounding out words, and remembering her "word chunks".

But, with the excitement of spelling, comes a down side. I can't spell things out anymore!! You all know what I am talking about. "Maybe later we can make some P-O-P-C-O-R-N and watch a movie."

Not anymore! I tried spelling out ice cream last week, and she squealed. She starts jumping up and down "I want ice cream!!". There goes that parenting trick. Now what do I do???



Kristen said...

Oh yeah, It. is. over.

DD said...

Hey, thanks for coming and having a laugh with me on my blog today. I have put together a sticker for our We Pee TOO Free club.

and copy and paste my "award" to your blog. :)